Welcome to Vinepedia! This will be an occasional series that explains some of the "memes" of Vinesauce history. Lets start with a few basic ones.
Uncle Zion - From the Rev. Billy trolling. I had called in to speak to the reverend, but I got the call screener lady instead. I told her that I wanted to reverend to pray for my Uncle Vine. She said "what?" about 3 times before I finally said, "Uncle V-I-N-E... It's french." Unfortunately, when she went to speak to the reverend, she said "We have a called that wants you to pray for his Uncle Zion, he said it's a french name." That's when I became Uncle Zion.
Bowser by Curtis - The pinnacle of 3D model art. Found on Google 3D Warehouse, it has since become ingrained in many of our hearts forever. Click here and see what I mean.
Select a Worldo - A more recent phrase that many of you are probably already familiar with. During a Mario Brothers ROM Corruption, I had reached a level with text floating above Mario, seemingly suspended in mid air by Bowser's evil magic. The text simply said: Select a Worldo. A superstar was born that very moment.
Until next vine, see you in the chat!