Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dwarf Fortress Tutorial: Part 2

In the last stream of Dwarf Fortress, we learned how to navigate the menus, dig into the mountain some basic rooms for us, and start production on our farm and other necessities. We still have a lot to do. I wanted to do this with a couple of days in between each stream so as to not have Dorfan every single night during prime time, but also, New Years is coming, so it'll be a few days more. Part two of this three or four part series will be on Sunday, January 2nd 2011, 8:00 PM EST.

(alcohol explodes with fire)

Also, if you took part in it, I ask that you leave a comment or two about the first part of the tutorial. Ideas to consider (but not limit yourself to): Did you learn a lot? Was the pacing good? Were my language and directions accessible? What can I do different for the next time? You can say whatever you want, things you like or some criticism for future streams, so part two is even better.

If you missed part one, it is on the On-Demand. My save from the end of this part can also be downloaded here:


Just place the folder in DF > Data > Saves, and when you load up, load up from the name of the folder.

Strike the earth!

Monday, December 20, 2010

"The Minecraft for people with class."

When one thinks of Dwarf Fortress...

...things can be pretty overwhelming.

That is why I am going to stream a Live Dwarf Fortress Tutorial. You can finally learn how to play this daunting game in an incredibly accessible way. I will be streaming purely for those who need instructions on how to fuck spaghetti play this game, beginning with navigating the interface and working up to overall strategies and things you need to know to be started on your way to a successful fort, and more importantly, on your way to fun.

Of course, as I am playing you are encouraged to ask questions through the chat. Here's the best part: Everything is already set up for you to play along. You will be using the same exact world that I will be streaming, so you do not need to worry about unforeseen consequences; you can even just follow along with what I do step-by-step if you'd like. Just download the following file pack:


A couple of guidelines:

1. A graphics pack is currently enabled. If you do not want to use a graphics pack, simply execute the DFInit.exe file, hit "load" to load my settings, and uncheck "use graphics" in the first tab. Some argue this gives the game more of an authentic feel and leaves more to the imagination.

2. To see the chat, my stream, and be able to see the game, I recommend setting up your screen to something like this:

...or if you're a rich motherfucker, just use one computer for the stream and one computer for the game.

That's all. I'll see you on Tuesday, December 28th at 8:00 PM EST.

Strike the earth!

Friday, December 17, 2010

ElectricalBeast + Holiday Contest

Good news everyone! ElectricalBeast will be streaming here for his birthday, which is this Sunday, December 19th. He's thinking of streaming at around 8:00pm GMT which is 3:00pm EST. All of us are really excited to have him stream here; be sure to stop by, check out the stream and wish him a Happy Birthday!

Screencap Caption Contest

For Christmas, we're gonna have some contests and give-aways. This is the first announced contest, so get started early and start posting those entries! Rules:

- Play a video game of your choice and take a screencap of anything (characters, events, etc.)
- Add a caption to your screencap. It can be funny, witty, vinesauce related or any combination of the three.
- One entry per person.
- Submit all entries as a comment to this post. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CHAT NAME!!
- Entries are due Saturday, December 25th (Christmas Day hurr)
- The streamers will vote on the best entry!
- First Place: $20 Steam game of your choice.
- Second Place: $10 Steam game of your choice.
- Third Place: $5 Steam game of your choice.

That's it! It's a simple contest and one everyone can participate in. Good luck to all and stay tuned for more Vinesauce X-Mas news.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's a Kong Off!

Hello sauce friends, today's entry will discuss a few things I've been meaning to get to but haven't due to being sick. Let's start with the Kong Off. Today Tame and I began the competition and after our first full hour, Tame has a slight lead. For those that don't know, we're playing DKC at the same time, trying to see who can finish first. Both of us Game Overed once and had to start from the beginning, but fear not, we'll actually be saving from now on! Also, thanks to Exhorder for making the excellent Kong Off promo image!

Next up, you may notice that the Streamer List on the FAQ looks a little different. It was outdated and as such I decided to fix it up. Some of the streamers are no longer listed. For example, PurpleSawdust contacted me and told me to remove him as a streamer given the fact that he can't stream often, if at all. I removed a few others as well.

Basically, if I removed you as a streamer without telling you, it means you stopped streaming without telling me. At some point, you can get your streamer status back, but I want to make sure our list is accurate, so for now, I'd say relax and come back in a few weeks to reapply for your position.

It's also come to my attention that people advertise their streams during autopilot. Honestly, trying to find a solution to this is the most difficult part of being a stream owner. I relayed a personal story today about the early days of Vinesauce Vidya. When I first started up, the stream I was going to was more or less dead. The autopilot was deleted and there were barely any streams, yet 30 - 40 people stayed around and chatted, complaining about the lack of entertainment. I decided to link to my stream, which now had a full autopilot and myself streaming constantly. I was banned immediately for advertising my stream. As I gained my first few loyal viewers and streamers through persistence, I decided to try an underhanded move and advertise in other, larger streams. I was banned immediately.

My point is, it's heavily frowned upon to leech viewers from a stream, even if it's just autopilot that's playing. While I don't feel strongly enough to ban people about it, the fact of the matter is, if I wanted you to stream, I'd make you a streamer.

That leads me to another point. Say I'm planing on streaming GAME DICKS sometime in the future but haven't got to it yet. During some dead time a random dude from the chat boots up his stream, and links everyone to it. Say 30 people go to watch. Coincidentally, this guy is streaming GAME DICKS. Well, when I go to boot up GAME DICKS when I'm ready to play it, 30 of our viewers are bored because just a few weeks ago a member of the chat streamed GAME DICKS.

It's very tricky business.

While I'm on the topic of streamers, I know a lot of you want to stream for us. Every day I see at least 5 different people talking about how they'd like to stream a particular game, or movies at the movie page, or whatever.

I really hate disappointing people, but I can't do it. In my view, a stream packed with willing streamers can turn nasty. At the moment we have an almost perfect (notice I said almost) mix of streaming and autopilot. You see how disappointed streamers can get if they can barely get time to go live. Three or even two more streamers could make this even worse.

Also, I've heavily considered making a separate stream to let more people in on the action, but it doesn't work at all, and as the poor people over at Vinecraft are aware, I can't run more than one stream; I just don't have it in me.

I want to end with just a few things. You can see the little sidebar with the constant Twitter announcements. So far, they've been great and should give you reason to check the blog fairly often. Thanks Tame for keeping it updated.

We also now have a page for the SMBX campaign. Use it to collaborate with each other, post levels or even ask for help. I've been slacking a bit on the campaign, but I'm still serious about it. I'm very excited to see the finished product.

That's a lot of fucking typing I just did. Thank you all again for everything! Look forward to more contests and retardation in the near future.


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