It seems like I'm writing about our viewer minutes about once a week these days. It's incredible how quickly we hit 10 Million Viewer Minutes, but as I always say, it's you guys that did it. You may have caught us in a thread about Mario Corruptions or maybe you saw a link to us for a Campfire show. You could have found us through the Livestream guide, a link from another site or even from Facebook (you'd be surprised how many people are here from Facebook.)
In the end, it doesn't really matter how you found us. People are always clicking links then moving on, wandering the endless internet landscape of filth and wonder like some kind of wastelander from the Fallout universe. What really matters most to us is that you stayed. You made this YOUR wasteland, YOUR filth. There are now people who call this place home. That... is incredible.
We're probably not the best stream out there. We don't have the best looking page nor the most advanced looking livestream player. We don't all have the highest quality capture cards and we don't always play the most interesting games to watch. Sometimes we suck at video games, but mostly we're just OK at them.
What we do have is honesty. Honesty and a desire to do the best we can. I can speak for myself (and probably all of us) when I say that I love streaming for you guys. I've always liked sharing the experience of a great game with a friend. That's why I started the stream, and that's why I still do it. Thanks again for sticking around, here's to another 10 million!
- SMBX Contest Winners -
Most of you guys already know who won, but here are the winners:
1st - RichardRickson
2nd - PhantomDust
3rd - Suaig

Congrats guys! We'll start organizing levels for the campaign soon. For now, keep working on your maps and I'll get you more details soon.